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Why is Exotic Car Repair So Expensive?

This question hurts, and we agree that luxury car maintenance is expensive. Just a regular engine oil change can cost around $2,000, let alone complicated repairs. If your car breaks down, get ready to spend a good amount of cash.

Getting back to our query: what makes luxury car repair so expensive? Let’s break it down.

Factors That Make Luxury Car Repair So Expensive

Not every mechanic can repair a luxury car

The first major reason is not every mechanic is skilled enough to repair sophisticated luxury cars. Luxury car repair and maintenance is a task that requires hours of training and extensive knowledge of the various internal components of a car. You might be surprised to know there are specialized auto repair mechanics that are experts only in the repair and maintenance of a specific brand; each luxury car is different from one another. Only a few highly-experienced mechanics can perform auto body damage repairjobs on all luxury cars.

Car parts are not readily available

The second major reason is the non-availability of the parts for luxury cars. When we talk about luxury cars, you might be aware of the fact that OEMs do not manufacture luxury cars in masses. Only a certain number of cars are produced every year. This leads to the huge scarcity of parts available when replacement is required. More importantly, due to the high level of exclusiveness in the manufacturing process, it is difficult for independent car parts manufacturers to replicate them.

Just to give you some idea—the cost of spark plug change for Lamborghini Murcielago is $4,000. It is the combination of the above two factors that leads to the insane repair cost.

Need frequent maintenance

You might be surprised to know that luxury cars go through more wear and tear than regular cars, when used on a frequent basis. Various reasons contribute to it, such as massive high-power engines that require frequent maintenance, additional luxurious amenities add burden on various components, and sophisticated mechanical parts need extra attention to function effortlessly. Thus, a luxury car needs frequent maintenance to keep it in good condition. Also, rash driving adds to this.

How to get a luxury car repair inexpensively?

There are many smart ways to ensure your luxury car is repaired and maintained inexpensively. You can buy auto insurance to cover the major luxury car repair costs. Good auto insurance policies cover the majority of the repairs. However, for regular service and maintenance, it is a good idea to visit an independent exotic car repair shop. Many good independent car repair shops have certified technicians who earlier worked for car dealerships.

Visit our MLux Repair full-service exotic car repair center in Los Angeles where we have a highly-trained team of luxury car repair mechanics. We accept all insurance carriers and negotiate with your insurance carrier on your behalf.

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